Forensic and Legal Nursing

Forensic nurses are specialized in areas such as the medical related investigation of death or the gathering of evidence. These nurses act as intermediaries between the medical field and the criminal justice system. Forensic nurses may work with victims of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, pediatric trauma, as well as other violent or traumatic events. Forensic nurses often work with hospitals, prisons and law enforcement agencies to gather and document evidence and act as aids in the investigation of the crime scene. They can also provide expert testimony to the court to assist in the conviction of criminals. The employment outlook for forensic nurses is particularly favorable, as there is currently not enough to meet demand across the world. Legal nurses are registered nurse who uses their expertise to provide advice and expert testimony in medical-legal cases. Legal nurses play an important role in estimating the standard of care, the cause of injuries or reasonable damages when a malpractice case is filed against a doctor, hospital, health professional or organization.

+1 (873) 371-5878