Occupational Health Nursing

Occupational health nursing focuses on the promotion and restoration of safety, the prevention of disease and injury and the protection against workplace environmental hazards. It focuses on early intervention, which reduces the costs of workers ' compensation. Nurses have direct contact with employees and are often confronted with health-related issues and problems. To be working as an occupational health nurse, they must be enrolled on part 1 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) register. They can also be enrolled as midwives and on part 2 of the register. 
Occupational health nurse roles include:
•    Identifying and preventing occupational health problems
•    The promotion of healthy living and working conditions
•    Understanding the impact of work on health and health on work
•    Advice on first aid management
•    Provision of health screening services
•    Monitoring of the workforce and the workplace and assessment of health needs
•    Promotion of health
•    Education and training
•    Counselling and support
•    Risk assessment and management
•    Travel health

+1 (873) 371-5878